Thursday, January 11, 2007

Each day is like a friend

Each day is like a friend
with the most perfectly kept secret

ready to tell it at any moment,
or when you'd least expect it.

She revealed it to me
as I stepped out this morning,
and as my warmth strained to become cold,
like the air outside my door.

You never really know, no matter how much you plan.

It was the best surprise of all;

a bright red sunrise morning sky,
a shimmering city, and a moment
of pure beauty.


Anonymous said...

I am absolutely in LOVE with the last stanza.

Unknown said...

Actually, the whole poem is exquisite, intimate, glorious! Lovely.

Luis said...

Wow Jer, I'm glad you liked it!

Anonymous said...

I love it, too! Esp. how you set the tone and how it unfolds "Each day is like a friend with the most perfectly kept secret"...and then to the last stanza!

Very nice!

PS: Am doing major catching up with your poems, btw :) You're good!